A Prayer for Divine Healing and Restoration

Jesus, I come before you seeking your divine intervention and healing. Just as the nobleman in the Scriptures believed in you and his son was cured (John 4:43-54), I place my trust in you and ask for healing. Lord Jesus, you delivered Peter’s mother-in-law from her fever with a simple touch (Matthew 8:14-15). I ask that you lay your hands upon me and remove all sickness and infirmity from my body. I believe in your authority over all illnesses. Just as the centurion had faith that you could heal his servant with just a word (Matthew 8:5-13), I too believe that your Word is enough. Speak over my life, Lord, and let your power flow through me. In the same way that the woman with the issue of blood reached out in faith and touched the hem of your garment, receiving her healing (Mark 5:25-34), I reach out to you now, believing that you can make me whole. Lord, I also remember how you raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43), showing that nothing is impossible for you. Please give me new life and vitality through your resurrection power. Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy. I trust in your perfect will and timing. May your name be glorified through my healing. Amen.

Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

Email: pierre.alain.giffard@gmail.com

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