ARTICLE – Have You Heard About the Law of Three Hearings and Seven Touches?

The law of “three hearings” and “seven touches” stem from research into effective evangelization practices of growing churches. These principles illustrate the journey of an unchurched individual towards committing to a Christian community.

The Principle of Three Hearings
An unchurched visitor rarely joins a church after a single visit. Much like significant purchases, decisions of faith take time. Typically, a person needs to hear the Gospel three or four times before making a meaningful commitment to Christ or the church.

The Principle of Seven Touches
To nurture an unchurched visitor’s interest in Christ, swift and frequent follow-ups are crucial. If contacted seven times after their first visit, visitors are more likely to return. These “touches” can include letters, emails, calls, personal visits, or other forms of personal contact from church members.

When both principles are applied, unchurched visitors are significantly more likely to respond positively to the Gospel and join the church. Indeed, Jesus modeled this approach by personally accompanying and inviting His disciples to spend time with Him (John 1:38-39). Welcoming, maintaining contact, and accompanying are essential elements of authentic and fruitful evangeliz

(Much of the information in this text is drawn from the book “154 Steps to Revitalize your Sunday School and Keep your Church Growing” by Elmer L. Towns.)

Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

Book on parish revitalization and gowth: 

Articles on evangelization and parish revitalization:

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