Prayer to be baptized in the Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father, I come before with an open heart and a heartfelt desire to be baptized in your Holy Spirit. I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of Your grace and mercy, and I ask for Your forgiveness for all my transgressions. I believe that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross has redeemed me from my sins. Cover me with His blood and hide me in His Sacred Heart. I ask you to immerse me in your Spirit, filling me to overflowing. Infuse my life with your love and power, equipping me to bless others, be of service to them and glorify you. Where gifts are needed to advance your Kingdom – gifts of healing, prophecy, discernment or any others – I ask you to provide them freely. May your fruits of joy and peace also grow in my life. My God, all that I am, I surrender to you without reservation, for this life and eternity. I yield myself fully to your purpose. Thank you for your Word which promises that if I ask, I will receive. So I come with confidence, asking, seeking and knocking. I believe in you, I have faith in You. Amen.

About the baptism in the Holy Spirit:

Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work


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