Prayer for When We Feel Lost

Heavenly Father, in this moment of confusion, I seek Your light to illuminate my path. As I navigate through the shadows of doubt, I ask that You enlighten me with the brightness of Your inner light. May Your divine presence dispel the darkness that clouds my mind and heart, guiding me toward the truth and clarity I so desperately need. I pray for a safe and promising journey, trusting that You will keep me in Your care.

I acknowledge that I cannot carry the weight of my worries alone Lord, “Greater is Thy care for me than all the care which I am able to take for myself”. I turn to You, asking for the strength to endure the challenges I face. I trust that You, to whom I commend myself, will render help. Grant me the fortitude to persevere, knowing that Your support is unwavering.

I choose to place my trust in You, O Lord. Help me to embrace the unknown with faith, believing that Your plan is unfolding in my life, even when the way forward is unclear. May I always trust without hesitation in Your fatherly providence, confident that You are guiding me through every trial and tribulation.

I reaffirm my faith in Your guidance, dear Lord. “Thou art my hope and my refuge in the day of my trouble”. I remain open to Your presence, trusting that You will lead me out of this darkness. I hold fast to the promise that You never abandon those that seek You (Ps. 9:10). Amen.

Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

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