Introduction: The Universal Call to Evangelization and Renewal
Evangelization stands as the very essence of the Catholic Church’s mission. As articulated by Pope Paul VI, the Church exists fundamentally “in order to evangelize.” This profound calling involves the proclamation of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ, encompassing His Person, the saving mystery of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection, to all people. The ultimate aim is that individuals may come to know Him, love Him, and serve Him, thereby attaining salvation through His redeeming love and mercy. This message of salvation in Jesus Christ forms the bedrock of all genuine evangelization efforts.
In recent times, the Church has emphasized the concept of the “New Evangelization,” a call to rekindle the fervor, adapt the methods, and renew the expression with which the Gospel is proclaimed. This is particularly pertinent in regions where Christian roots are deep but where secularization has led to a crisis of faith. The New Evangelization is not a change in the core message but rather an adaptation of its presentation to effectively reach contemporary audiences, especially those who may have drifted away from active participation in the faith. At its heart lies the importance of a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and a continuous deepening of one’s own faith. This personal renewal serves as the wellspring from which authentic evangelization flows. Furthermore, the call extends beyond individual conversion to encompass the promotion of Gospel values within the broader society.
Crucially, this mission of evangelization is not reserved for a select few within the Church; rather, every Catholic is called to participate. The notion that one might be unprepared should not deter anyone, as God Himself provides the necessary grace and gifts to fulfill this calling. Recognizing and understanding one’s own inherent strengths and inclinations can significantly empower Catholics to engage in this vital mission more effectively. By discerning their unique “style” of evangelization, individuals can discover meaningful and fulfilling avenues to contribute to the Church’s ongoing work of evangelization and renewal.
Discerning Your Evangelization Style: A Self-Assessment Questionnaire
To help Catholics better understand their natural strengths and how they might best contribute to the vision of evangelization and renewal, a period of personal reflection is essential. The following questionnaire is designed to guide this reflection by exploring individual preferences, comfort levels, and perceived gifts in relation to sharing the Catholic faith. The aim is to identify potential “styles” of evangelization that resonate with each person.
Consider the following areas as you reflect on your own inclinations:
- Communication Preferences: How do you most enjoy connecting with others? Are you more comfortable in one-on-one conversations, small group settings, or perhaps through written or digital forms of communication? The methods and expressions used in the New Evangelization can vary greatly.
- Comfort Level with Different Forms of Outreach: How comfortable are you with various ways of sharing your faith, such as inviting someone to Mass, sharing a personal story of faith, discussing specific aspects of Catholic teaching, participating in social justice initiatives, or engaging in acts of service? It is important to remember to always speak with charity when discussing faith. Extending personal invitations is a powerful way to reach others.
- Spiritual Gifts and Talents: What spiritual gifts or natural talents do you believe you possess (e.g., teaching, hospitality, showing mercy, leadership, prayer, creativity)? These gifts, as mentioned by Saint Paul, continue to build up the Church. Recognizing these gifts can unlock God’s plan for an individual’s mission.
- Preferred Ways of Building Relationships: Do you prefer building relationships through deep conversations, shared activities, providing practical help, or simply being a good listener? Authentic friendship is a cornerstone of missionary discipleship. Listening is a sacred act that allows one to understand another’s story.
- Motivations for Sharing Faith: What are your primary motivations for wanting to share your faith? Is it a desire to share the truth you have found, a sense of compassion for others, the joy you experience in your own faith, or a feeling of responsibility stemming from your baptism? Evangelization is fundamentally an invitation to a relationship with the living Lord Jesus Christ. The joy of a personal relationship with Christ is a powerful motivator.
By contemplating these questions, individuals can begin to discern patterns and preferences that may indicate a particular inclination towards certain styles of evangelization. It is important to approach this self-assessment with an open heart and mind, recognizing that one’s approach may encompass elements of multiple styles. The goal is not to confine oneself to a single category but to gain a better understanding of how one might most naturally and effectively share the Good News.
Understanding Your Evangelizer Profile
Based on the principles of evangelization and renewal found within Catholic teaching and the common ways individuals share their faith, several distinct evangelizer profiles can be identified. These profiles are not meant to be rigid classifications but rather helpful frameworks for understanding different approaches to spreading the Gospel. Individuals may find that they resonate with one or more of these profiles.
- The Witness: This individual primarily evangelizes through the authenticity of their Christian life. Their daily actions and interactions reflect Gospel values, serving as a living testament to the transformative power of faith. The witness understands that actions often speak louder than words, and their consistent example can inspire curiosity and draw others closer to Christ.
- The Relational Connector: This person excels at building genuine friendships and naturally integrates their faith into the context of these relationships. They understand the importance of trust and connection as foundational elements for sharing deeper truths. By investing in meaningful relationships, they create opportunities for authentic dialogue and the sharing of their faith journey.
- The Proclaimer: This evangelizer feels a strong calling to share the Gospel message directly through their words, whether in formal or informal settings. They are comfortable articulating their beliefs and are often moved to speak about the love of God and the teachings of the Church. They recognize the necessity of verbal proclamation alongside the witness of life.
- The Servant Leader: This individual embodies the love of Christ through practical acts of service and active involvement in parish ministries. They evangelize by demonstrating care and compassion for others, often inviting them to participate in service initiatives as a way to encounter the faith in action. Their dedication to serving others becomes a tangible expression of the Gospel.
- The Prayer Warrior: This person understands the profound power of prayer in the work of evangelization and dedicates themselves to interceding for others and for the spread of the Gospel. They believe in the transformative effect of prayer and often offer to pray with and for those they encounter. Their commitment to prayer forms a spiritual foundation for all evangelization efforts.
- The Catechist/Teacher: With a passion for learning and sharing the teachings of the Catholic faith, this evangelizer naturally takes on the role of a teacher or guide. They are drawn to studying Scripture and Church doctrine and find joy in explaining these truths to others, helping them to deepen their understanding of the faith.
- The Hospitable Host: This individual creates welcoming and inclusive environments where others can experience the love of Christ and the warmth of the Catholic community. They have a gift for making people feel comfortable and valued, often using hospitality as a means to build relationships and open doors for faith conversations.
- The Storyteller: This evangelizer naturally shares their personal faith journey and the ways in which God has worked in their life as a means of inspiring and connecting with others. They understand the power of personal testimony to resonate with others and demonstrate the relevance of faith in everyday experiences.
- The Culture Shaper: This person focuses on promoting Gospel values within the broader society through their professional work, civic engagement, or involvement in media and the arts. They see their vocation as a platform for living out their faith and influencing the world around them for Christ. They strive to be salt, light, and leaven in their respective spheres of influence.
- The Encourager/Affirmer: This evangelizer excels at supporting and uplifting others in their faith journey, offering gentle encouragement and affirmation as they navigate their relationship with God. They are patient and understanding, recognizing that faith is a personal journey with its own pace and challenges.
It is important to remember that these profiles often overlap, and individuals may find themselves identifying with several of them. The purpose of these descriptions is to provide a framework for self-understanding and to highlight the diverse ways in which Catholics can contribute to the mission of evangelization and renewal.
Ten Ways to Engage: Tailored Paths for Your Evangelization Style
Understanding one’s primary evangelization style can illuminate specific and practical ways to engage in the vision of evangelization and renewal. The following offers at least ten tailored suggestions for each of the identified profiles:
The Witness:
- Actively cultivate a life of prayer and virtue, allowing the fruits of the Holy Spirit to be evident in your daily interactions.
- Practice consistent honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior in your workplace and community.
- Demonstrate patience, kindness, and forgiveness in your relationships, reflecting the love of Christ.
- Make the sign of the cross and offer a brief prayer before meals, especially in public settings.
- When asked about your weekend, mention attending Mass or participating in parish activities.
- Let your faith inform your decisions regarding social justice issues and the dignity of the human person.
- Offer compassionate support and practical assistance to those in need within your sphere of influence.
- Be a responsible and engaged member of your local community, contributing to the common good.
- Maintain a positive and hopeful outlook, allowing your joy in Christ to shine through.
- Be open to sharing the reasons behind your values and actions when opportunities arise.
The Relational Connector:
- Intentionally build friendships with individuals who may not actively practice their faith or who have different belief systems.
- Invite friends and acquaintances to social gatherings at your parish or in your home, fostering a welcoming atmosphere.
- Offer practical help and support to friends during challenging times, demonstrating Christ’s love in tangible ways.
- Share your personal experiences of faith and how God has impacted your life in appropriate and natural ways during conversations.
- Extend personal invitations to friends to attend Mass or other parish events that might interest them.
- Consider starting a small informal group or Bible study with friends to explore faith together.
- Be an active and engaged listener when friends share their joys and struggles, offering empathy and understanding.
- Pray regularly for your friends by name, asking for opportunities to share your faith and for their spiritual well-being.
- Share relevant and helpful Catholic resources, such as books, articles, or podcasts, with friends who may be seeking answers or deeper understanding.
- Offer to accompany a friend who is considering returning to the Church or exploring the Catholic faith for the first time.
The Proclaimer:
- Seek opportunities to share the core message of the Gospel—the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—in conversations.
- Be prepared to articulate the basic tenets of your Catholic faith clearly and charitably.
- Don’t shy away from discussing your faith with others, always doing so with love and respect.
- Share inspiring quotes or passages from Scripture or Catholic teachings on social media or in other forms of communication.
- Consider volunteering to read Scripture at Mass or to assist with faith formation programs in your parish.
- Be ready to give a reason for your hope when asked, as encouraged by Scripture.
- Share your personal testimony of faith with others when appropriate, highlighting how Christ has made a difference in your life.
- Invite individuals you encounter to consider attending a Mass or a parish event that features a compelling speaker or message.
- Engage in respectful dialogue with those who hold different beliefs, seeking to understand their perspectives while sharing your own.
- Learn more about the teachings of the Church, even on challenging or unpopular topics, so you can speak with knowledge and conviction.
The Servant Leader:
- Actively participate in parish ministries that serve the needs of the community, such as food banks, outreach to the poor, or care for the sick.
- Invite others to join you in your service activities, offering them an opportunity to experience the joy of giving back.
- Volunteer your time and talents to assist with parish events and initiatives that promote evangelization and renewal.
- Look for opportunities to perform small acts of service for those around you, demonstrating Christ’s love in practical ways.
- Offer hospitality and practical assistance to newcomers in your parish community.
- Be a reliable and dedicated member of any ministry you are involved in, setting a positive example for others.
- Identify needs within your community and explore ways your skills and talents can be used to address them.
- Support the work of Catholic charities and organizations that are dedicated to serving the poor and marginalized.
- Consider taking on leadership roles within parish ministries to help guide and inspire others in service.
- Pray for the success of parish ministries and for the individuals they serve.
The Prayer Warrior:
- Commit to a daily practice of personal prayer, including interceding for the needs of others and for the growth of the Church.
- Regularly pray the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, or other devotional prayers for the intention of evangelization.
- Offer to pray for individuals you encounter who are facing difficulties or challenges.
- Consider joining or forming a prayer group dedicated to praying for the New Evangelization and the renewal of the Church.
- Spend time in Eucharistic Adoration, praying for the conversion of hearts and the spread of the Gospel.
- Pray specifically for those you know who are not actively practicing their faith or who do not know Christ.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and empower your own efforts and the efforts of others in evangelization.
- Pray for your parish priest and other leaders in your church community, that they may be effective in their ministry.
- Offer prayers of thanksgiving for the blessings of your faith and for the opportunities to share it with others.
- Incorporate prayers for evangelization into your family prayer life.
The Catechist/Teacher:
- Deepen your own understanding of the Catholic faith by reading Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and other theological resources.
- Volunteer to teach religious education classes for children or adults in your parish.
- Consider becoming involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program to help guide those entering the Church.
- Share interesting and informative articles or resources about the Catholic faith with others.
- Offer to answer questions about the Catholic faith with patience and clarity.
- Lead or participate in Bible study groups within your parish or community.
- Explore opportunities to share your knowledge of the faith through writing or online platforms.
- Attend workshops or conferences focused on Catholic theology and evangelization to further enhance your knowledge.
- Recommend good Catholic books or other resources to individuals who express an interest in learning more about the faith.
- Be prepared to explain the reasons behind Catholic beliefs and practices in a way that is understandable and engaging.
The Hospitable Host:
- Make your home a welcoming space where friends, neighbors, and even strangers feel comfortable and accepted.
- Invite people over for meals or social gatherings, creating opportunities for relaxed conversation and connection.
- Offer assistance and support to newcomers in your parish, helping them to feel integrated into the community.
- Volunteer to help with hospitality ministries in your parish, such as welcoming committees or coffee hours.
- Be attentive to the needs of guests and make an effort to ensure they feel valued and included.
- Offer a listening ear and a non-judgmental presence to those who may be going through difficult times.
- Consider hosting small gatherings focused on faith-based discussions or activities in your home.
- Extend invitations to parish events to individuals you encounter in your daily life.
- Be intentional about creating a warm and friendly atmosphere in all your interactions.
- Remember that hospitality is not just about providing material comfort but also about offering spiritual welcome.
The Storyteller:
- Reflect on your own faith journey and identify key moments where God has been present in your life.
- Be prepared to share your personal testimony of faith with others when appropriate opportunities arise.
- Practice articulating your story in a way that is authentic, engaging, and relatable to others.
- Look for connections between your experiences and the core messages of the Gospel.
- Share stories of the saints or other inspiring figures from the Catholic tradition.
- Consider writing down your faith journey or sharing it through other creative mediums.
- Listen attentively to the stories of others and affirm the presence of God in their lives.
- Use storytelling as a way to illustrate the relevance and impact of faith in everyday life.
- Be open about how your faith has helped you through challenges and difficult times.
- Remember that your personal story is a powerful tool for evangelization because it is unique and authentic to you.
The Culture Shaper:
- Integrate your faith values into your professional life, striving for excellence and ethical conduct in your work.
- Be a voice for justice and the common good in your community, advocating for policies and initiatives that reflect Gospel values.
- Use your talents in the arts or media to create content that inspires, uplifts, and shares messages of faith and hope.
- Engage in respectful dialogue on social and cultural issues from a Catholic perspective.
- Support Catholic organizations and initiatives that are working to transform society according to Gospel principles.
- Be mindful of the messages you consume and share through media, seeking out sources that promote truth and goodness.
- Consider running for local office or becoming involved in civic organizations to bring your faith values to the public square.
- Use your platform, whether large or small, to promote the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of life.
- Be a positive and ethical influence in your online interactions and social media presence.
- Recognize that your vocation is a calling to bring Christ’s light into the world in a unique and impactful way.
The Encourager/Affirmer:
- Offer words of encouragement and support to those who are struggling in their faith journey.
- Affirm the good you see in others and acknowledge their efforts to live out their faith.
- Be a source of hope and positivity, reminding others of God’s love and mercy.
- Reach out to individuals who may have become disconnected from the Church, letting them know they are missed and valued.
- Offer to pray with and for those who are facing challenges or doubts in their faith.
- Share inspiring stories or quotes that have encouraged you in your own faith.
- Be a patient and understanding listener, allowing others to express their doubts and concerns without judgment.
- Celebrate the milestones and progress of others in their faith journey.
- Remind individuals of the beauty and richness of the Catholic faith and its ability to provide meaning and purpose.
- Gently invite others to consider taking small steps to deepen their relationship with God and the Church.
Fostering a Culture of Evangelization and Renewal
Understanding the diverse styles of evangelization present within a Catholic community is crucial for fostering a vibrant culture of evangelization and renewal. When individuals recognize their unique strengths and how they can contribute to the mission, it empowers them to participate more actively and authentically. This understanding also promotes a more comprehensive approach to evangelization within a parish, acknowledging and valuing the different ways the Holy Spirit works through each person. It helps to dispel the misconception that evangelization is only for a select few with specific talents, encouraging all parishioners to embrace their baptismal call to share the Good News. Furthermore, recognizing these different styles can foster collaboration among parishioners with complementary strengths, leading to more effective and well-rounded evangelization initiatives.
Parish leadership plays a vital role in cultivating this culture. Practical steps that parishes can take include: administering a self-assessment tool based on the principles outlined earlier to help parishioners identify their potential evangelization styles; offering workshops or training sessions tailored to the needs and inclinations of different styles; creating opportunities for individuals with complementary styles to collaborate on specific evangelization projects; publicly recognizing and celebrating the various ways in which parishioners are already contributing to evangelization efforts; and integrating the concept of diverse evangelization styles into the planning and execution of parish ministries. Encouraging mentorship and the sharing of best practices among parishioners can also significantly contribute to a thriving culture of evangelization.
By fostering an environment where all styles of evangelization are valued and supported, parishes can empower their members to confidently and joyfully embrace their role in the mission of the Church. This inclusive approach will lead to a more dynamic and effective outreach, touching the lives of more individuals with the transformative power of the Gospel.
Conclusion: Embracing Your Role in the Mission
The call to evangelization and renewal is a universal invitation extended to every Catholic. Each individual, with their unique talents, experiences, and inclinations, has a vital role to play in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world. By taking the time for self-reflection and discerning your natural style of evangelization, you can identify meaningful and fulfilling ways to contribute to this essential mission.
Remember that God provides the necessary grace and guidance for this work. Do not be afraid to step out in faith and embrace your unique calling. Whether through the quiet witness of your life, the intentional building of relationships, the confident proclamation of the Gospel, acts of service, the power of prayer, the sharing of knowledge, the offering of hospitality, the telling of your story, the shaping of culture, or the simple act of encouragement, your contribution is valuable and necessary.
The Holy Spirit empowers and guides all our efforts in evangelization. Even seemingly small acts of faith and witness can have a profound impact on the lives of others. Embrace your role in this great mission with hope and confidence, knowing that you are part of a vibrant and dynamic Church dedicated to bringing the light of Christ to all.
Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work
Book on parish revitalization and gowth:
- BOOK – Revive and Thrive: Transforming Parishes into Mission Driven Communities provides a blueprint to breathe new life into parish communities and engage in the core principles of evangelization and disciple-making.
Articles on evangelization and parish revitalization:
- Following Christ: A Blessing or a Burden?
- A Prayer for God’s Miracles in Every Situation
- Visions, Prophecies, and Divine Messages: A Call for Discernment
- Key Takeaways for Evangelization
- Grace and Common Sense
- The Message of Jesus: An Invitation to New Life
- Planting Seeds of Faith and Hope
- Go Forth with Joy: Faith That Inspires
- A Virtuous Circle of Evangelization
- The concept of the “Good News”
- Love as the Heart of Church Life and Mission
- The Spirit of Spiritual Conversation: A Path to Transformation
- Prayer for When We Feel Lost
- How to Share Your Faith with Others
- Love and Time
- Evangelization: Sharing the Joy, Peace, and Hope of Christ
- Priestly Leadership in Evangelization
- Café evangelization at the University of Mary Washington
- Evangelization: A Living Testament of God’s Love
- Living in The Joy of The Gospel
- In The Beginning Was the Word: The Primary Role of Scriptures in Evangelization
- One-Phrase Evangelization
- Asking Each Day for the Grace to Help Someone
- The Parish as an Expression of God’s Love for the World
- If no one speaks, no one will know
- Evangelizing Through Healing: Manifesting God’s Loving Presence
- The Parable of the Wise Landowner
- Extraordinary Signs in Extraordinary Times
- The Evangelizing Message of Medjugorje
- The distinction between proselytism and authentic evangelization
- What God Needs from Us Is Love, Reconciliation, and a Spirit of Forgiveness
- Evangelization: A Collaborative Mission of Love
- Prayer and Service that Finds Favor With God
- The Transformative Power of Love
- The Evangelization Power of Prayer and Love for God
- Everyday Evangelization
- Every Act of Love is Evangelization
- Loving Jesus and Making Him Loved
- Embracing a Lifestyle of Worship and Praise
- A Prayer for Divine Healing and Restoration
- Factors That Have Proven to Attract People to Christ
- Evangelization: Finding Life and Giving Life
- The Eucharist: Source And Summit of All Evangelization
- Practical Steps for Reaching the Unchurched
- Bible Sharing Guide for Small Groups: A Synodal Approach
- Bringing People to Christ by Inspiring Love and Praise for God
- Proclaiming God’s Word: A Sacred Call
- From Decline to Renewal: The Transformation of New Life Church–Farmington
- The Church’s Social Doctrine and Evangelization
- Kindness: A Christian Perspective
- How to Bring Someone to Christ
- The Ultimate Purpose of Human Life – Glorifying God
- From Near-Death to New Life: A Rural Church’s Revitalization Journey
- Evangelization simply: “Taste and see that the LORD is good!” (Psalm 34:8)
- Revitalization of Rural Churches
- Attracting Converts to the Catholic Faith
- Addressing Low Attendance in Churches
- Fostering a Sacred Atmosphere during the Sunday Mass
- Prayer to be baptized in the Holy Spirit
- Jesus is Thirsty for Souls
- Praying And Sharing The Good News With God’s Redemptive Names
- Embracing the Call to Evangelize
- What is Most Pleasing to God? Bringing Souls to Christ
- The Growth of the Church of the Nativity (Fr. Michael White)
- Deliverance Prayer, by Fr. Stephen J. Rossetti (AUDIO – mp3)
- The Growth of Saint Benedict Parish (Fr. James Mallon)
- Five Pillars of the Christian Life
- Encountering Christ: The Path to Transformation
- What does it mean to have a personal relationship with Jesus?
- Unleashing The Evangelization Potential of Your Parish
- The Ultimate Goal of Evangelization
- God’s Longing for Love and our Mission to Make it Known
- A prayer for those whom we wish to encounter Christ
- Memorable Sundays
- Fr. Bedard’s Three-Step Blueprint for Evangelisation
- Guide for The Missionary Transformation of Parishes
- Divine Encounters: A Practical Guide for Small Evangelization Groups
- The Missionary Transformation of Sant’Eustorgio Parish
- Creating Vibrant Faith Communities: Insights from ‘Excellent Catholic Parishes’
- Sharing The Gospel According to People’s Needs And Receptivity
- A Prayer for Inviting Others to Evangelization Meetings and Services
- Welcoming Church Guests and Visitors: Dos and Don’ts
- Various Dimensions of Evangelization
- The True Measure of Success
- Pope Francis on Evangelization
- Revitalizing the Rural Parish for Mission
- Factors Leading to Christian Conversion
- Evangelizing Through Random Acts of Kindness
- Questions To Start Spiritual Conversations
- Three Feet From Gold
- Spreading the Gospel One Act at a Time
- Gather, Witness and Invite
- Prayer to Receive the Spiritual Gifts of The Holy Spirit
- The Language of Evangelization
- Key Factors for Parish Growth According to Rich Birch
- How to defeat Satan?
- Bringing Love, Hope and Healing Through the Gospel
- Love: Our Fundamental Vocation
- Touched by the Master
- A Man, a Dog, and the Ultimate Love
- The essence of evangelization: Loving God and our neighbours
- Loving Our Enemies and Reconciling with Others
- A Powerful Prayer for Healing: You Are The LORD Who Heals Me
- Living a Life of Love: Mother Teresa’s Legacy
- Living a Life of Love: Lessons from the New Testament
- In The Shadows Of Darkness, A Powerful Force Is At Work
- 19 Pastoral Orientations for Parish Renewal and Growth
- The Missionary Renewal of Catechesis
- Characteristics of missionary parishes
- Powerful healing prayer attributed to St. Padre Pio
- We are called to share our faith with others
- Should we seek to grow the Church?
- Find a Need and Fill It – Revealing God’s Heart in the Community
- 15 Habits to Evangelize on a Daily Basis
- The Church’s Mission
- Three Barriers to Building An Invitational Culture In Your Parish
- The Relational Evangelizer
- Doing Church at Home
- The Blind Girl
- A Group of Frogs
- The Elephant Rope
- A Shared Faith is a Growing Faith
- In The Shoes Of The Unchurched
- Parish Evangelizing Cells
- Six Unique Features of Missional Parishes
- Steps Towards Becoming A Missional Parish
- What Is Evangelization, And How Should It Be Carried Out?
- Discussion And Self-Assessment Questions For Parish Evangelization
- A Missional Church Is A Church That Prays
- The Jesus Prayer: A Method To Pray At All Times
- What can help children raised Catholic continue practicing the faith as adults?
- An Example of a Missionary Parish: Phoenix First Assembly of God
- Satan’s Tactics
- Learning to Be a Missionary
- When we cry out to God, he answers
- Presence and Proclamation
- Saving those who are lost
- Saint-Nazaire Parish: The story of a missionary transformation
- Small Groups and Evangelization
- Evangelizing By Inviting People To Receive Jesus As Lord And Saviour
- You Will Receive Power…
- Have You Heard About the Law of Three Hearings and Seven Touches?
- Three Habits of a Fruitful Christian Life