ARTICLE – Following Christ: A Blessing or a Burden?

Imagine standing at the edge of an uncharted path, uncertain of what lies ahead. You’ve heard whispers of its beauty, tales of those who have walked it before, and the promise that, despite the challenges, it leads to something greater than you could ever imagine. But hesitation lingers—what if the journey is too difficult? What if the cost is too high?

Many have asked these same questions before stepping into the greatest adventure of all—following Christ. At first, His invitation may seem paradoxical. “My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:30), He assures us, yet in the same breath, He calls us to take up our cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). How can both be true? How can a cross—a symbol of suffering—lead to freedom?

The Paradox of Christ’s Call

The answer lies not in the weight of the cross itself but in who walks beside us. The burdens of the world are heavy, filled with guilt, shame, and the relentless pursuit of fleeting happiness. Yet the burden Christ offers is different—one carried not alone, but with the grace and strength that only He can provide.

As Pope Francis beautifully expresses, “The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept His offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness, and loneliness” (Evangelii Gaudium, 1). Saint John Paul II echoes this truth, stating, “The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus’ message” (Evangelium Vitae). To follow Christ is not to step into chains, but into a freedom unlike any the world can offer.

The Fear of Sacrifice

And yet, the hesitation remains. Sacrifice is never easy. To surrender control, to place faith in something greater than ourselves—this is no small thing. We may wonder, What will I have to give up? What will it cost me?

But what if we have been looking at it all wrong? What if the real cost lies not in following Christ but in walking away from Him? The world offers countless substitutes for joy, but none that truly satisfy. Jesus does not take away our joy—He restores it.

We are not asked to carry our crosses alone. The very One who calls us to take them up also strengthens our shoulders and walks the path beside us. The cross is not meant to crush us; it is meant to transform us. True joy is not found in avoiding sacrifice but in discovering the purpose within it.

A Joyful Mission

Something incredible happens when we stop seeing discipleship as an obligation and start seeing it as a privilege. The first disciples understood this well. They had encountered the Risen Christ, and they could not keep the Good News to themselves. Even when threatened, Peter and John boldly declared, “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).

When evangelization is rooted in joy, it becomes impossible to contain. If we view discipleship as a burden, our witness will be lifeless. But if we truly experience the joy of the Gospel, our passion will inspire others. What we have found in Christ is too beautiful not to share.

The Greatest Blessing

At the heart of it all, following Christ is not about loss—it is about abundance. The path may require sacrifice, but it is paved with grace, love, and the assurance of eternal joy. Christ does not call us to mere hardship; He calls us to transformation, to holiness, to a life that is richer and deeper than anything we could create for ourselves.

And the best part? We do not walk it alone. Every step is accompanied by the One who has already conquered the journey, who carries our burdens, fills us with peace, and leads us into the freedom of divine love.

The Invitation

So here we are, standing at the edge of the path once more. The choice remains ours. Do we turn away, clinging to what is familiar, even if it leaves us unfulfilled? Or do we take that first step of faith, trusting that what lies ahead is greater than anything we leave behind?

For those who dare to follow, the reward is beyond measure. The joy of Christ is not a fleeting emotion but a life-altering reality. Will you take the step?


Lord Jesus, thank You for calling me to follow You. In moments of doubt, remind me that Your path leads to true freedom and joy. When I hesitate, give me the courage to trust in Your plan. Strengthen my heart with the assurance that You walk beside me every step of the way. Fill me with the joy of Your presence, that I may be a light to others, sharing the Good News with passion and love. Transform my heart, Lord, so that my life reflects Your grace, and my words proclaim Your truth. Lead me ever closer to You, and let me always remember that true fulfillment is found not in my own will, but in surrender to Yours. Amen.

Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

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